G for Gentleman, I mean Genterie

I do believe the sharpest tool in the shed is a man's eye for clothing and accessories. The world has changed since the Leave it to Beaver days; now men collect boxer briefs like women collect shoes. (Wink, wink)

Ross Fontenot and John Peterson, who MANeuver between the just-go-with-it look to the ever so slightly twisted classic style. Can I say, these two gentlemen of Genterie Supply Company are the big daddy of the most desirable trait in a man. They are the embodiment of cool. And while taking masterful charge of decorating their boutique, geared mainly (not manly although that works) for men, I'd say we have a modern day equivalent of Clark Gable and Spencer Tracy on our hands!

Nowadays, women like wearing men's cologne, boxers and oversized button-up shirts, so long as they let me browse, I'll be making myself at home—isn't that what women are known for anyway?

Speaking of nesting, not only do they offer organic shampoo & conditioners, neck ties, shoes, saddle bags (man-bags), but there are a few antique pieces for sale, along with furniture built by Ross and John for displays. Who knows, maybe you could talk them into creating one for you. Stop by for a father's day gift or just to look around—you won't be sorry and I can guarantee you'll be impressed.

Genterie Supply Company is located downtown Lafayette at 210 East Vermilion Street, between The French Press & Recycled Cycles (two other spots to check out). Call for details 337.401.3833. Hours are Tues-Sat 10am – 7pm and Sun, YES SUNDAY, from 10am -4pm.

Happy Buying at Genterie Supply Company! Hey, your Dad is worth the best, right; and most importantly isn't it best to bring your Dad up a level or two to coolness…. I'm just sayin'.
Par authenticguccishoes le jeudi 16 juin 2011


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